Celebrating 45 Years of Saving Lives Through Organ Donation
The Life Alliance Organ Recovery Agency has produced a commemorative 45th-year anniversary documentary celebrating organ donation.
As Life Alliance Organ Recovery Agency (LAORA) celebrates its 45th anniversary, it reflects on a legacy built upon saving lives through organ donation, with a steadfast dedication to their mission: Providing life-saving organs while caring for the families of organ, eye, and tissue donors by turning tragedies into miracles.
Thousands of lives have been saved by organ donors and behind every successful organ transplant is a story of resilience, hope and generosity of donors and their families.
“There’s purpose in this pain,” said Renee Jones, whose son Trevin donated his organs. “Someone in now living because my son passed away.”
Commemorative Organ Donation Documentary
Life Alliance is part of the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine’s DeWitt Daughtry Family Department of Surgery. The organization has crafted a special documentary encapsulating 45 years of dedication to their community through the cause of organ donation. In just 33 minutes, viewers are taken on an emotional journey to witness the impact of organ donation.
The documentary is a powerful testament to the transformative power of generosity and the indomitable human spirit.
As Sam Salama, M.D., assistant professor of surgery at the Miller School and Life Alliance executive director, says in the documentary, “These organ donor heroes and their families in the most difficult times of their lives thought about saving the lives of others and gave us the privilege to work with them to achieve that end.”
Be Part of the Organ Donation Mission
- Watch the documentary and share it with your friends, family and colleagues. Every view, every share, has the potential to spark a conversation, inspire action and save lives.
- Stay connected with Life Alliance on X (formerly Twitter) and at www.laora.org to keep abreast of initiatives in the organ donation world.
- Register as an organ, eye, and tissue donor at www.donatelifeflorida.org.
Tags: DeWitt Daughtry Family Department of Surgery, organ donation