Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Welcomes New Residents, Fellows
The Miller School of Medicine’s Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine on July 1 welcomed its newest group of residents and fellows to its training program.
“Coming on the heels of the graduation of the last group of exceptional trainees, our faculty and staff always are excited during this time of year” departmental chair Dr. Merce Jorda said.
The University of Miami /Jackson Health training program provides a unique healthcare setting where trainees can be exposed to multiple complex and unique cases. Backed up by a world-class faculty, the department provides opportunities subspecialty-based clinical service and high-quality education.
“Once again we have had the opportunity to recruit the best of the best at the international level,” said Dr. Carmen Gomez, vice chair of education.
“Our new trainees come from around the globe, including the Americas, Asia and Middle East, and we are excited to learn from them as much as we are to teach them” said Dr. Andre Pinto, director of the Pathology Residency Training Program.
The new PGY-1 Residents class includes:
Fireneh Beshah, M.D.
Felipe Camacho Cordovez, M.D.
Guannan (Tiffany) Zhang, M.D.
Lin Li, M.D.
Amr Abulaban, M.D.
The new Fellows class includes:
Ali Alani, M.D. – Bone & Soft Tissue
Amal Shukri, M.D. – Breast/GYN Pathology
Maryam Tahir, M.D. – Breast/GYN Pathology
Youley Tjendra, M.D. – Cytopathology
Nicolas Milan, M.D. – Cytopathology
Khaled Algashaamy, M.D. – Gastrointestinal Pathology
Abhilasha Ghildyal, M.D. – Gastrointestinal Pathology
Satyapal Chahar, M.D. – Gastrointestinal Pathology
Vishnu Serla, M.D. – Genitourinary Pathology
Omar Hakim, M.D. – Head & Neck Pathology
Ashish Ravindra Patil, M.D. – Hematopathology
Taban Ghaffaripour, M.D. – Surgical Pathology
Aijan Ukudeyeva, M.D. – Surgical Pathology
Tags: Dr. Andre Pinto, Dr. Carmen Gomez-Fernandez, Dr. Merce Jorda