University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Medical Center Residents Win Meconium Cup
Pediatric residents from three outstanding Florida residency programs, including Holtz Children’s Hospital at the University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Medical Center, squared off November 4 in Orlando, at the annual James W. Bass Pediatric Bowl, nicknamed “The Meconium Cup,” the world’s premier pediatric trivia contest.
Held each year as part of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) National Conference experience, the competition this year pitted residents from Holtz Children’s Hospital against their counterparts from Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg and the University of Florida Department of Pediatrics in Gainesville. All had previously qualified after preliminaries at the state chapter competition. The team, which prepared with Dr. Luis Garcia-Chacon, were spot on in knowledge and lightning-fast with the buzzer.
Contestants were posed questions in a variety of categories assessing pediatric knowledge. A humorous wink to the Orlando location and current events grouped questions into categories titled Florida Politicians, Disney World Attractions, and Presidential Tweets, as well as Early Warning Signs, What Killed ‘Em, and Pediatric Firsts. The team from UMiami/Holtz prevailed and won the honor of sipping from the coveted Meconium Cup.
Judy Schaechter, M.D., MBA, professor and chair, the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine’s Department of Pediatrics, praised her team’s big win.
“We have a wonderful cadre of smart, talented, dedicated residents and faculty committed to their learning,” she said. “Grateful for our big win, I am even more impressed with what the entire team brings to work every day.”
Tags: Dr. Judy Schaechter, James W. Bass Pediatric Bowl, Meconium Cup