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51st Miami Winter Symposium Opens January 28

Stem Cells: Today’s Research Tomorrow’s Therapies will be the focus of the 51st Miami Winter Symposium, which will take place January 28-31 at the downtown Hyatt Regency Hotel January 28-31.

Organized by Joshua M. Hare, M.D., founding director of the Interdisciplinary Stem Cell Institute at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, and an international program committee, the event will cover the spectrum of advances in this major area of regenerative medicine and highlight the contributions emerging from the Miller School and its centers of excellence.

One of the six awardees is Sir John Gurdon, the 2012 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine, who shared the prize for the discovery that normal cells can be converted into stem cells.

A special experience for the graduate students, postdoctorals and travel fellows from Asia and Africa who attend, will be their participation in an invitation-only party at the Frost Museum of Science to meet the awardees and other invited speakers.

Additional information is available at the conference website.

Tags: Miami Winter Symposium, stem cells