Summer Course Explores Commercial Potential of Research Discoveries
Does your latest discovery have commercial value? Go beyond the lab and broaden the impact of your research project this summer by taking the National Institutes of Health’s I-Corps@NCATS Regional Short Course at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.
The free, five-week course is designed specifically for teams of faculty, staff, postdoctoral associates, residents, students or entrepreneurs. Through this course, you will:
• Determine the commercial viability of your innovation
• Develop a successful business case for securing funding
• Develop Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer proposals
• Expand your network of innovation partners, mentors, and potential collaborators
• Develop a new way of thinking about your research
Classes will be held each Friday from August 3 through August 31 at the Don Soffer Clinical Research Center, room 1552. The first and last classes will require in-person attendance. Other sessions will be conducted via web or conference call. Prospective participants must apply as two-person teams to be accepted.
Instructors include Norma Sue Kenyon, Ph.D., vice provost for innovation at the University of Miami and chief innovation officer for the Miller School, and Suhrud Rajguru, Ph.D., associate professor of otolaryngology and biomedical engineering. For more information, contact Dr. Rajguru at [email protected].
The application deadline is July 30. Online applications are available at
The course is supported in part by the University of Miami Clinical & Translational Science Institute through the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences of the National Institutes of Health, grant award number UL1TR002736. It is co-sponsored by U Innovation and the University of Miami College of Engineering.